
أولا: CPIT 110

المادة: البرمجة وحل المشكلات

الوحدات الدراسية: 3

المتطلبات السابقة: لا يوجد

الكتاب: Dr. Liang, “Introduction to Programming Using Python”
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-274718-9
ISBN 10: 0-13-274718-9

توصيف المقرر:

 The main objective of this course is to teach the students the basics of constructing algorithms and programming languages. The student at the end of this course are expected to learn the basic skills of algorithmic problem solving, the systematic approach to define the problem and creating number of solutions, and the basic programing skills which include syntax, commands, variables, selection statements, loops, functions, etc.

أهداف المقرر:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
By completion of the course the students should be able to
1. Construct algorithms for solving simple problems.
2. Write a programing code that implements algorithms for solving simple problems.
3. Analyze and explain the behavior of simple programs involving the fundamental programming constructs.
4. Identify and describe uses of Python built-in data types and functions.
5. Write programs that use Python built-in data types and functions.
6. Apply appropriate conditional and iteration constructs for a given programming task.
7. Write and/or modify short programs that use standard conditional structures.
8. Write programs that use standard iterative control structure.
9. Write programs that use functions.
10. Trace the execution of a variety of code segments and write summaries of their computations.
11. Identify common coding errors and apply strategies for avoiding such errors.
12. Apply a variety of strategies to the testing and debugging of simple programs.
13. Use of an appropriate IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to create, compile and run a program developed by the selected programing language.

توزيع المقرر:

Chapter0: 1 week

Chapter1: 1 week

Chapter2: 2 week

Chapter3: 1 week

Chapter4: 2 week

Chapter5: 2 week

Chapter6: 2 week

توزيع درجات المقرر:

HW1--10 Marks

HW2--10 Marks

First Exam--25 Marks

Second Exam: 25 Marks

Final Exam: 30 Marks

نماذج سابقة:

يمكننك الحصول على نماذج سابقة للتدرب عليها من موقع وحدة مهارات الحاسب الآلي بجامعة الملك عبد العزيز من هنا


ثانيا: CPCS301

المادة: معمل لغات البرمجة

الوحدات الدراسية: 3 ساعات نظري، 1:20 عملي 

الكتاب: Robert Sebesta,"Concepts of Programming Languages",Addison-Wesley Longman;8, 9edition

توصيف المقرر:

    The objective of this course is to provide a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental concepts of programming languages by discussing the design issues of the various languages constructs, examining the design choices for these constructs in some of the most common languages, and critically comparing design alternatives. In addition, it discusses the formal methods of describing the syntax and semantics of programming languages

أهداف المقرر:

By completion of the course the students should be able to:1.Determine programming domains. 2.Determine language evaluation criteria. 3.Determine the major programming language paradigms.4.List the suitability of a programming language for a specific task.5.Explain the issues involved in the design and implementation of programming.6.Show the general problem of describing syntax.7.Show the how to use the attribute grammars.8.Describe the meanings of programs.9.*Identify issues related to the concept of binding.10.Identify issues related to the type checking, strong typing and type.11.*Identify issues related to the scope and lifetime.12.Identify issues related to the concept of data types.13.*Apply fundamental programming language elements of expressions.14.Compare and contrast selection statements and iterative statements.15.*Explain the concepts of the subprograms in different programming languages.

توزيع درجات المعمل:

Lab Exam 1: 2.5 Marks

Lab Exam 2: 2.5 Marks

HW: 5 Marks

Final Lab Exam: 10 Marks


ثاليا: CPCS302

المادة: معمل بناء المترجمات

الوحدات الدراسية:  3 ساعات نظري، 1:20 عملي

توصيف المقرر:

The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the fundamentals of compilers and their
construction. The course considers the principles that underlie compiler construction and focuses on
the translation of programs written in conventional high-level language, into semantically equivalent
programs written in assembly language. Students will learn how modern programming language are
implemented, how compilers interact with operating systems and machine architecture, and how to
use compiler construction tools..

أهداف المقرر:

By completion of the course, the students should be able to (HVCLOs are marked with an
1. Define different compiler phases. (i)
2. Recognize the relationship between compiler and other computer software programs. (i)
3. Analyze regular expressions to its tokens: keywords, operators, identifiers, and
expressions. (a)
4. Express a grammar in derivations and parse tree. (a)
5. Convert regular expression to its equivalent automata. (i)
6. Design a deterministic finite state machine to accept a specified language. (i)
7. *Produce parse tree from context - free grammar. (a)
8. Identify top-down and bottom-up parsing. (b)
9. Build a recursive descent parser for a mini language. (c)
10. *Construct LL (1) parsing table. (i)
11. Construct simple LR parsing table. (i)
12. *Construct different types of LR parsing table. (i)
13. *Use lexical analyzer and parser generator tools: Lex, YACC, and JavaCC. (d)
14. Discuss syntax-directed techniques for translation. (a)
15. *Represent intermediate code using two and three-address schemes. (b).

توزيع درجات المعمل:

Graded Lab Work: 5 Marks

HW--5 Marks

Lab Project: 20 Marks

Final Lab Exam: 5 Marks



آخر تحديث
3/8/2021 7:37:33 AM